The purpose of WeSoon is to raise awareness among companies on major environnemental issues and to guide their transformation towards a sustainable business model contributing to building a desirable and sustainable World and participating in its regeneration.
At all levels we have to change our way of living, making business or governing to create a new paradigm making it possible for our children to live on a preserved planet and GUESS WHAT? The world yet to be figured out can be just so desirable...
Yet, major challenges ahead of us :
Globally fight to remain within the planet boundaries
Reach the targets of the Paris Agreement to globally stay below an increase of +1,5°C
Tackle pollutions issues jeopardizing our health and biodiversity
Work with Circular models respecting the nature and its limited resources
...and Fight against social, geographical inequalities
and :
New regulations coming, increase of awareness among citizens, consumers, employees
that are low signals showing you the path to follow
With a Head, Heart, Body approach,
We support you in your questioning and awareness of the challenges and vulnerabilities facing your business.
We facilitate the process of questioning your model, seeing how it might become compatible with planet boundaries, and how it might even, in a medium- to long-term vision, help regenerate the living organisms on which you depend to build greater robustness for your activities.
Involving your teams and, more broadly, your ecosystem is an essential step in giving substance to your new ambitions. We put our sensitivity and energy into creating the conditions for a change in mindset through collective intelligence, giving the heart the urgency to get moving.
We start from where you are (no CSR policy, a committed CSR policy, implementation of CSRD, committed without a CSR policy, with or without a label...) and support you in your progress.

Emilie Cassar

Founder of WeSoon, Facilitator in Ecological Transition
15 years of project management and executive positions in organizations involved in responsibility and sustainability issues, notably in the tourism sector.
Since 2019, my mission is to raise awareness of major environmental and societal issues and to facilitate the transition of companies and teams towards business models that are compatible with planetary limits and regenerative while meeting human needs. My approach combines Head, Heart and Hand workshops and design to deeply embark people in the process.
Graduated from EM Lyon, Bilan Carbone® certified, trained in CSR, animator of frescoes (Climate, Biodiversity, Tourism), workshops (2 tons, Adaptation to Climate Change), Coach, facilitator for managers throughout the CEC-Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat pathways. Passionate about new ways for businesses to embrace the living and get inspired by it.
I collaborate with a whole ecosystem of committed and wonderful people that I love to work with, with complementary skills, sensitivity to provide a precise, holistic response to the challenges facing each organization.​​​​​​​​

© 2022 par WESOON GREEN TRANSITION - Activité de CAP Services